To the right is a Japanese exit sign. As you can see it is green for "go" and shows a man (called the Running Man) leaving through a door. Even if you don't understand the language, you know what it means because this sign is used for "exit" in almost every country in Europe and Asia and probably on other continents as well since it has a universal meaning.
Now look at the exit sign used in the United States. It is red which means "stop" and if you don't understand English, you may have no idea of what it means and stand there in confusion as to which way you need to go to leave the building.
Now before you go off on a tirade about how people need to learn English think about this, most of the other signs in America use images as well as words, look at the sign for the men and women's bathroom. It often shows a little figure for a man and a little figure in a dress for a woman. Now why use those and not just write "men" and "women" on the wall and leave it at that?
I think knowing where the exit is no matter what your language is just as important and should be the same way, with a universal image rather than just a word in English written in the universal color for "stop."
Sometimes America could be so back ass-wards that it's funny.
Sort of like not using the Metric System or Celsius, both of which make a lot more sense, and using the old Imperial System and Fahrenheit.
I'll be you didn't even know that inches and feet are part of the Imperial System of measurement.
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