Saturday, March 22, 2014


When people think of Japan, they think of a land of advanced technology and futuristic gadgets. Well, that stereo-type carries over into the bathroom, where the Japanese have toilets that would make Al Bundy turn green with envy.

That doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses in the Land of the Rising Sun. I've been to quite a few places in Japan where all they have are "squat toilets" which is pretty much just a porcelain hole in the floor. Yeah, that's not happening...

But on the other end of the spectrum you have these toilet shrines like shown in the picture; these are what Erich Von Daniken would call "the Toilets of the Gods."

First off, the seat is padded, not only that but it is heated too! And see that Captain Kirk console on the side? That controls the temperature of the seat. These toilets also come equipped with bidets. What is a bidet? Oh, you silly American. A bidet is a stream of water that shoots from the toilet when you are finished with your "business" and cleans your "nether regions." The console controls the temperature of the water and the force of the stream.

Not only that but on top of the septic tank is a built-in sink. When you flush the toilet, the water in the septic tank runs through a spigot on the top, allowing you to wash your hands as the toilet flushes! How efficient is that?

Leave it to the Japanese to not only make "dropping a deuce" more pleasurable, but more fun too boot.

Is it just me, or are there a lot of quotes in this post?

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