Sunday, September 7, 2014

School Uniforms

Growing up in America, school uniforms aren't really a thing unless you go to a private or Catholic school, but here in Japan, school uniforms are worn by everyone!

I remember wearing a uniform when I went to Sacred Heart School in New Brunswick (or New Brunfiss, as us street-kids used to say), but I also remember how totally uncool wearing one was. When I got home, the very first thing I did was change into a t-shirt and jeans before doing anything or going anywhere.

Now I am not even going to go into how creepy-short the skirts are on a girl's school uniform in Japan, we all know the deal, but what I am going to go into is how unfazed the kids are about wearing a school uniform in public.

I see kids wearing their uniforms at the mall at night and even on the weekends! Who wears a school uniform on a Sunday?  Today my family took a trip to Tokyo Disneyland and there were girls walking around in school uniforms!

What is the deal?  I totally do not understand why any teenager would want to be caught dead in their school uniform after school.  It makes no sense to me, but it seems to be some sort of fashion statement here in Japan, as I see these kids 'round the clock proudly sporing their plaid in public.

I wish someone could explain this to me, because it has me totally baffled.

1 comment:

  1. It probably has something to do with the fact that in Japan being smart is considered a good thing, unlike in america where you are labeled a nerd. Because of this the school uniform is popular as a way to show you are educated. That's my best guess... Now that I think about it... Almost every anime with school children in it features them wearing school uniforms almost constantly as well... Now I'm extremely curious about this too......
