Thursday, July 24, 2014


Owning a car can be very expensive and unnecessary in Japan, sort of like in New York City. As a result, things like buses and trains are very popular all throughout the country.

And don't forget to add bicycles to that list.

In America, bikes are basically the mode of transportation for children who aren't old enough to drive yet, or health nuts; but here in Japan, riding a bike is a legitimate mode of transportation.

As you could imagine bikes are just a little different here in Japan since it is taken much more seriously here. I've gotten used to seeing moms and men in suits riding bikes along the side of the road, but I had the surprise of my life when I heard this strange electric whining coming from behind me. I turned to see a man on a bike, but I've never heard a sound like that coming from a pedal powered vehicle.

Sure enough, the man was pedaling, but when I glanced at the pedals, I noticed that the chain guard, that is usually open, was totally enclosed like in the picture above...and of course the electric whining coming from the contraption.

I came to find out that they are a kind of electric powered bicycle. Now it's not a moped, because you have to actually pedal, but somehow there is a little motor that stores up the energy and uses it to assist you when pedaling uphill and things like that. Think of it, no more pedaling like a maniac when you hit that hill, just pedal like normal and you can maintain your speed with no problem!

Just be careful if you are on foot, because here in Japan, you share the sidewalk with bike riders, they don't ride on the road at all.

Many a time I've almost met a grizzly end under the tread of a silent bicyclist.

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